
Lord of Hosts
LORD of Hosts
1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein.
2 For he hath founded it upon the seas,
and established it upon the floods.
3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD?
or who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart;
who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive blessing from the LORD,
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.
6 This is the generation of them that seek him,
that seek thy face, O Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors;
and the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory.
Happy New Year!
It has been a tremendous blessing serving the Body of Christ through our website ministry. We will continue to look for new
ways to expand and improve our website in 2005. The new year always brings hope for change and growth. The new year should
also serve as a reminder of the importance of the birth of Christ, who brought new life to the world. While you are out celebrating
this new year, be sure to ask yourself if you have received the new life in Jesus Christ. For those of you that do not know
Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, we encourage you to make a new years resolution to get involved in a good
Bible believing Church, and ask Him to change your life. It will be the most important decision you will ever make.
Your's in Christ,
Job (the webservant at www.Christ.com)
Islam and Christianity: A Prayer from our Prayer Room
When we began the Lord of Hosts website, the very first thing to go online was our Prayer Room. We have always considered
this to be the heart and soul of our website. One of the greatest blessings of your webservant's life has been reading and
praying over the thousands of prayers submitted by our readers. We would also like to thank our prayer warriors for reading
and praying over the prayers. The Lord will surely reward you for your prayer support.
In the section below we have listed a recent prayer for salvation that I would like to highlight. God always answers prayers.
The hard part for some of us is understanding that sometimes God's answer is "No". His ways are not our ways, and His reasoning
is perfect, so don't be discouraged if His answer is "No" to a prayer request. One prayer that is always in His perfect
will is a prayer for salvation. If you truly want to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then God's answer will
be a resounding "Yes", and all of the angels in Heaven will rejoice in your decision.
The prayer below is from a person from a Muslim family in New Jersey that is asking to join the Church. If you belong to a
good Bible believing Church in the New Jersey area, could you please contact him and share your faith? Jesus Christ is considered
a prophet in Islam. Since Christ is already respected in the Islamic faith, then we should consider the words of Christ Himself
on issues of "religion":
I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
(John 14:6)
A Recent Prayer from our Prayer Room
A new prayer
E-Mail: Respond to This Prayer
Category: Other
12/23/2004 1:35 PM
I am living at Paterson City in New Jersey State Of America right now. I am a member of a muslim family. But I have never
been interested in this religion. I have been interested in Christian Religion and Christian Faith over since I was a child.
But I do not have too much knowledge regarding Christian Faith, Church and Jesus Christ and Bible.Because, I have never been
in a Church. And I have never to pray with Christian Faith. Because. There was not any Church in my original country.And other
people have not respect to other religion.But I am in the Freeland right now. I can go to Church and to pray with Christian
Faith.I think that I need a pastor and a Church. I would like to get involved with a Church. And I want to be a good Christian
and a good American. What am I supposed to do ? Yours Respectfully.
One of the keys to witnessing to those with different religious backgrounds is to use statements in their own background to
lead them to the one true way. As stated above, Jesus Christ is already considered a prophet in Islam, and Jesus said that
there is no other way to salvation but through Him. Jesus Christ makes it clear that Islam is not the way.
Recent Prayers from our Prayer Room
God loves to hear the prayers of His people. We are going to start listing the most recent prayers from our prayer room on
our front page... because prayer is important and changes lives. We have been posting prayers since early in 1997, so please
visit our prayer room to see all of the prayers.
As usual, Netscape browsers have problems with embedded frames, so if you are using Netscape the prayer list below will be
broken and you will see either a dark line or a message about frames instead of the prayer list... We have given up trying
to make things work with Netscape, so use the Internet Explorer browser to see the prayers below.
Prayer Room
The above prayer list is just a small sample of recently posted prayers, so remember to visit our prayer room to see the
entire prayer list, or post your own prayer!
Prayer Room
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God Bless YOU!
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division (Luke 12:51)
Additional News Links:
- General News Mix: Headline, National, International, Business, Sports
- Science, Technology, Health
- Opinion, Politics
- Arts, Books, Movies, Travel
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After reading the news, remember to pray for our leaders. God bless you, Job.
Removal of New York Times Front Page and Headlines Sections
We have deleted our real-time feed to the front page and headline sections of the New York Times. However we will continue
to carry the Science, Health and other sections. In our opinion, the New York Times has evolved from a reporter of news to
a shaper of news to fit their extremely liberal agenda. We believe that informative, accurate, truthful and un-biased news
is important during this election cycle in the U.S., and we feel that the New York Times does not adhere to these standards.
It is their right to publish what they wish, and it is our right to publish what we wish, and that is the spirit of free speech.
Of course you can still access headline stories of the New York Times at their web site. We feel it is important to not over-publish
the political views of an already over-published point of view (liberalism). If you are bothered by this lone voice of classic
conservativism crying out in this well-known world of liberalism please don't be, just revel in the right of freedom of speech...
Your's in Christ,
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Banners, Sponsors, and Links...
We encourage you to visit our sponsor's links throughout the site, although some of the rotating banner ads, links, webrings...
are beyond our control. We do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints, theology, or content of some links. The rotating
banners help us spread the Gospel to the world. With the Lord's guidance, we encourage you to visit our sponsors, since they
help keep our servers online.
LORD of Hosts
We praise the Lord for every visit to this website!

